Hello! I'm Stacy, Christ-follower, wife, mama, designer, book worm, introvert, dreamer. And I love ice cream too. Any time. All the time. I currently live in Raleigh, North Carolina with my husband and our little man. We planted a garden for the first time this year. We have dance parties before bed time. We play ball in the house. We love Jesus.
I created this blog as a place to document memories, share my photos and have honest conversations about motherhood. It's the greatest calling on my life and it is the one thing that has kept me more desperate for God than anything else. It's tough. Really tough. But completely worth it. God has used motherhood to shape me. His purpose for my life is that I would look more like Christ and He'll use whatever means He needs to in order to accomplish that. Surrender. Sacrifice. Selflessness. Service. Love. All of these (and more) speak to who Jesus is, and they are all traits a mama needs so that she can radiate the love of Christ to her children. Motherhood is sticky and beautiful and messy and, at times, pretty ugly. But while the process of being molded can hurt and exhaust and frustrate, it's also one of the most wonderful things to walk through. God loves me too much to leave me where I am. He is creating beauty out of ashes. He's writing my story and He's faithful to complete it. Oh so faithful. I've experienced His grace like never before over the last two years and I'm so grateful. I stand in awe of Him again and again. He is so good.

Thanks for hanging out with me here. Hope you stay awhile!