For all things in life, we have a reason behind what we do. What is our motivation? Why are we doing this or that? What are the risks associated with our decisions and will it be worth it?

At our first core group meeting, we discussed the why behind the what. We know what we're doing. We're planting a church. But what about the motivation behind it? When things get tough, when exhaustion sets in, when the enemy attacks, what is it that will help us to press on and press through? Will our whys be significant enough to take on the risks associated with our what? Why did we say yes to planting a church, where, according to statistics, 80% of the people we'll spend the next five months with before we launch will end up leaving this body within the first two years?
That answer will vary from person to person, but for me, it came down to these two things:
1. Obedience
I want my life to be characterized by obedience to Christ. I want to go where He leads and do what He says. I want this to be the rule rather than the exception. I want the life that I live out to match what I think and feel on the inside, my hands and feet to match my head and my heart.
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it - not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it - they will be blessed in what they do.Jesus left us with a job to do. We are to make disciples, we are to share the Gospel, we are to love others and serve them too. So far, I can't say that I've done a great job with this. Jesus is coming again soon and, if I'm honest, I wouldn't be able to stand in front of Him able to say that I got the job done. But His grace gives me another chance and I'm not missing this one. I'm going to follow obediently, one step at a time.
James 1:22-25
2. To know Jesus and make Him known
Knowing Jesus isn't a one time thing. It doesn't just happen after I read the Bible or attend a Sunday service or love a family in need. Sure, all those things help me to know Him, but it doesn't end there. I'll never be done with knowing Him. Knowing Jesus is a process. It's a lifetime of learning, following, loving, serving, walking through the valleys and climbing the mountain tops. It's being desperate for God and it's becoming more like Jesus. Being a part of this core team is just one more step in my journey to know Jesus. It's in knowing Him that we find great rewards. It's in knowing Him that we can help others know Him. Jesus came for everyone. I don't want others to see our church; I want others to see our Jesus. I want others to know Him the way that I know Him. He's real and personal and grace-giving and merciful. He's humble and perfect and gentle and present. He provides and sustains and lifts up. He is peace and hope and strength and love. He is what you need Him to be.
So that's it. That's my motivation behind joining a team of other people to change the world for Jesus, starting with one small town named Clayton. This is what I'll come back to when the road gets rocky and I wonder how I got here, why I said yes and if it's worth it anymore so that I can press on and keep doing the work that God has invited me to do.
Thank you, proud of you....this is a great roadmap for all of us. I love you.
ReplyDeleteI love you, Mom.