Our Emmett is three today! Like all mamas, I wonder where the time has gone. He's growing up and growing fast. There's more little boy than baby as each day passes. Still a ball of energy, Emmett's imagination has come to life. I love watching him play make believe with his toys in his own little world. He's sweet, sometimes sour, loving and absolutely adored by his daddy and me.

At three years, Emmett:
- loves to be outside.
- loves all things that go. (Cars, planes, trains, construction vehicles, trucks)
- loves to "drive" our cars.
- has a ton of energy. He never stops moving and is always busy.
- loves music, singing and dancing. Can I tell you how sweet it is to hear him sing?
- loves to help.
- is full of joy and wonder.
- has a contagious excitement over the little things.
- has become a little bit of a picky eater. Veggies are his nemesis. Cereal and sweets are his first love.
- has learned his first Bible verses!
- loves to build forts and "hide" from us. One day he'll learn to be quiet when he hides!
- loves to read, especially before nap time and bed time.
- enjoys picking out books at the library.
- likes to paint, cut and glue.
- is very silly and really, really funny.
- is strong, brave, independent and determined.
- has a sweet side. He still likes to snuggle and asks for hugs and kisses daily.
- likes to cuddle when he wakes up, most days.
- does not like loud sounds. He tends to freak out when the vacuum or lawn mower is turned on, but settles down quickly.
- loves playing with his cousins.
- adores his Nana!
- will begin preschool in the fall.
- likes to "be cozy" with blankets and pillows.
- has been in big boy undies for several months! (We're day trained for #1, working through our fears of going #2 and not concerned about night time just yet.)
- doesn't eat nearly as much as he used to. His appetite has slowed down (for now).
- is bashful when pretty, young ladies speak to him.
- still asks to be carried and held, although this is probably not going to last too much longer since he's a solid 38 pounds!
- likes to have his boo boos kissed.
- loves watching movies. His favorites are Up, Toy Story 3, Planes: Fire and Rescue, Cars and Despicable Me. He also loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
- loves interaction/quality time with people. Even if we've played for hours, he still asks "play with me?"
- loves to swim in the big pool with his puddle jumper on. Oh and he has zero fear of the water. Zero.
- likes to test the boundaries and needs to be encouraged to share and follow the rules.
- is a leader, not a follower.
- has settled in to his church class on Sundays. No more tears! He practically walks himself to class now, a far cry from where we've been.
- likes to wrestle, tickle and jump, sometimes off of things.
- is a beach baby at heart.
- loves to run.
- is a wild man who keeps everyone on their toes!

Emmett Elijah,
You are such a joy and I am so glad I get to be your mama. You are full of life and wonder. You make each day brighter and I'm so thankful for you. I am so proud of all that you have learned this year and the little boy that you are becoming. I pray that this year would be filled with lots of great memories as we enter into a new season together. Preschool! You are determined and strong willed and you keep me on my toes. One day God is going to use these qualities for something wonderful. I pray that you see Jesus in your daddy and me and that you would know how dearly you are loved. God loves you the most. He created you and loves you more than you can imagine. I pray that you would know the grace and mercy that comes through faith in Jesus too and that one day you would follow Him. Dream big sweet boy. Oh and those songs that you ask me to sing before nap time? Those hugs and kisses that you ask for as we walk down the stairs? Never stop asking, okay? I love you to the stars.

Your Mama
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