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Archive for July 2014

Emmett Elijah | Celebrating Two Years

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Our Emmett is two years old today. A full-blown toddler who runs circles (literally!) around us, I can't imagine what life would be like without him. A ball of energy from morning until night, he makes our lives so much more fun. We play hard, act silly and laugh daily. A lot. We read and run and jump and dance and sing and snuggle. We hug and kiss and high five and nuzzle noses. I'm so glad I get to be his mama.

Emmett at 1 Month
At two years, Emmett:
  • loves all things that move. Cars, trucks, planes, motorcycles, buses, trains. You name it. If it moves, he's a fan.
  • loves music (and dancing!). He seems to learn easily through songs.
  • never stops moving. He doesn't sleep at night. He just recharges his battery pack.
  • is curious, independent, determined, funny, joy-filled and wide-eyed at life.
  • loves bubbles, balls, the beach and doing anything outdoors. He'd live outside if we let him.
  • pops wheelies on his Lowes 48 tricycle. And thinks it's hilarious.
  • is a daddy's boy at heart.
  • still loves to be held and wants to be where the action is. I believe physical touch and quality time are his top love languages. He likes to snuggle before nap time and bed time. He wants to be with people. He wants us to play with him. He tugs at our hands and leads us into his playroom. Doesn't matter what we play. It only matters that we're doing it together.
  • strives on a routine. He's much more flexible now as he's getting older, but is happiest when we have very routine days that include an afternoon nap and some time outside.
  • can throw a fit like the best of 'em! He screams and yells and wails and lets down those big alligator tears. It's funny, but not funny.
  • loves books. We go to story time almost every week at the library and check out new books from time to time. Sometimes, I find him in his chair sitting quietly looking through his books. These are the moments that make my introvert heart smile.
  • adores his Nana and Gramps. He's a huge fan and I'm so thankful.
  • is a good helper. He helps unload the dishwasher and loves to sweep the floor and use the vacuum. In fact, he's got some sort of obsession with the "vac" and asks for it daily.

Emmett Elijah,

You make my days so full. I thank God that He chose me to be your mama and pray that you'd see the love of Jesus in me, your daddy and our home. I celebrate you today. You made me a mama and I'm so proud to be yours. You are teaching me to be brave. You are passionate and determined, energetic and strong. You are sweet and sensitive and you love big. Never lose your wide-eyed wonder at life. Always be true to who you are. Thank you for helping me to become more like Jesus. That song we sing every day before you rest? It's true. Jesus loves you, this I know, and He loves you more than I ever could. I pray you will have a faith that's bigger than life, and that you'll follow Jesus someday. You're going to move mountains, sweet boy. God has big plans for your life. You are fiercely loved! Happy 2nd Birthday, my sweet boy. You are in my most secret of hearts.

Your Mama

Choosing to Remember | In Honor of My Grammy

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

After a long battle with health issues, my Grammy passed away on Sunday night. Even though she lived a long and good life and fought hard for the last few years, it doesn't make death any easier. It still stings. But, I can choose to dwell on the pain that death brings to those who are left behind, or I can remember all of the good stuff from our time together. Today, I choose the latter.

Easter 2011
Grammy, you may be gone in body, but you will live on in my heart and memories. Silly or not, I'll always remember:

  • Your love of ice cream and orange soda. And the fact that you always had both on hand. (Thanks for passing that love (of ice cream!) on to me.)
  • Your fridge magnets. We always messed with them when we came to see you and you always let us.
  • Your basement. We spent hours down there drawing up imaginary creatures and places with all of your scrap computer paper. You know, the kind with the lines on one side and the two perforated edges that we could tear off? You had tons of it and we used it up.
  • Your spaghetti sauce. Your house was always filled with this aroma. Greg makes it most like you now, and when we visit him and he cooks it for dinner, it brings me right back to homemade dinners with you.
  • Your vitamin box. You faithfully carried that light brown vitamin box with you every where.
  • Your overnight stays when there was a chance of snow. You chose to stay with us when the forecast was calling for snow while we lived in Enfield since it was closer to your workplace. You were the only person I ever had to give up my room for and I was so excited. Snow. Grammy. "Getting" to sleep on the couch. My little girl heart was full.
  • Your lipstick, porcelain skin and painted nails. You were quite the lady.
  • Your passion for reading. (I think you passed this one on to me too!)

Of course there were all the birthday parties and holidays and special events that we spent together, and lots of other memories that I cannot think of right now. So many good things to store up. But that list above is a treasure to me. Thanks for making my memories so sweet. I love you, Grammy. Rest in peace.

Welcome | The Beginning of a New Adventure

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Welcome to my new space... a place of authenticity, of encouragement, of real life and a place for my soul (and hopefully yours) to breathe! I've been off of the blogging map for a couple of years now, finding my new normal. Someone calls me "Mama" now. My world has been rocked to the core, but nearly two years since our family grew from two to three, I can see it's the greatest calling I have ever had and probably ever will.

Blogging has always been a fun hobby for me and it's mostly consisted of things that my family has been up to sprinkled with some deeper posts here and there when I felt like I had something more to say. It was a place to share my photographs. A place to store memories. It was more of a way to keep family and friends in the loop of what we were up to, a way to stay in touch. But now, especially after becoming a mama, I can see that we (mamas) could all use a little more encouragement, a high five, a hug. We could all use a little more truth and real life. There's lots of things that motherhood throws you into completely unaware yet not often talked about, and for that reason, I want to write, to share, to say "I know" and "I see you" sweet mama.

I'll still post about what my family is up to. I want to hold on to all the memories we make and have a place to document them. But beyond that, I want this to be a space where us mamas, especially the new ones, can find a hand extended, a pat on the back, a pick me up for those moments when we want to run. And if we're honest, those moments come far more often than we'd like to admit. I don't have all the answers. In fact, I probably don't even have most of them. After all, I've only got two years under my belt and there are plenty of mama blogs out there with far more experience and wisdom to share. But I've got my story and I've got Jesus and that can be enough.

Are you looking for a place to connect? Are you looking for some encouragement in your story of motherhood today? Instead of falling into the trap of comparison and trying to figure this journey out alone, let's band together on our common ground of one of the greatest roles we'll ever hold. You're beautiful, Mama, and you're doing a great job.